Whatever happened to your __________?
Write about the fate of a past knitting project. Whether it be something that you crocheted or knitted for yourself or to give to another person. An item that lives with you or something which you sent off to charity.
How has one of your past knits lived up to wear. Maybe an item has become lost. Maybe you spent weeks knitting your giant-footed dad a pair of socks in bright pink and green stripes which the then ‘lost’. If you have knit items to donate to a good cause, you could reflect on the was in which you hope that item is still doing good for it’s owner or the cause it was made to support.

Well, I know ezzackly what's happened to the stuff I knitted for my two. So I thought it might be interesting to find out about stuff that had been sent further afield, to foreign climes and potentially hostile (pets) and hazardous (boilwash) homes. Then I had to filter that by those who are internet/email/camera friendly. I applied the final filter, which was reliability and ability to get things done to a deadline, and that left me two recipients.
First, let's take my SIL who kindly responded about a couple of the items I'd knit for my baby nephew. There's a before and after pic of each ...

The color change is simply the light; why it's inside out in my SIL's photo, I don't know: but I suspect she's been spending too much time with my MIL, for whom this kind of random behavior is totally normal.

My SIL's comments were: ''This jumper has been used for the most cold days this winter. It washes really well and the wool is soft on baby's skin. It's an excellent size so will come in useful for many days to come especially our trip to Ireland next week to see Granny as they haven't had any sign of spring yet. The tank top was worn at least once a week for about three months then his head got too big for it! This washed really well considering he was weaning at the time. There are a few loose stiches now at the side but nothing that can't be fixed easily.''
So I'd call that a success. Goal achieved. If I were her, I'd hide them from her DH, though, or else she might come home one day and find they've been thrown out as the husband will say he mistook a conversation about the topic for a decision about the topic - as mine did about the cot. Can we say 'doghouse' ? Not that we needed it any more, but that's SO not the point.
OK, enough with the longerm bitter grudges, and on to the next fostered project, a gift for my friend Hestia (take your Lady Tenas when you head over to her blog: right now, she couldn't hit water if she fell out of a boat, but she's very funny about it). It was a surprise which I eventually blogged about here, and I was quite curious to see if it had survived, or been used to mop up hamster sick. This is what was mailed:

And the 'after they were stars' (a.k.a sad has-been) photo she sent:

''Here is picture of the lovely scarf you knitted me. It is worn at least once a week - depending on weather. As a scarf. However, experimented with it this morning as method of whipping husband (fail - too soft); sling shot for half-eaten kitkat (pass - worked surprisingly well, judging by turn of speed from neighbour's cat - my intended target).
I love it loads. It was knitted for me by a lovely friend, so even if it had lots of holes in it (ie not part of the pattern) I would still love it loads.''
I shoot, I score ......GOOOOOAAAAAALLLLL !