Saturday, 31 October 2015

Tarot Blog Hop Samhain 2015: Remember


This time, our host is Arwen Lynch-Poe, and the topic she has created for the Samhain 2015 Tarot Blog Hop is:

''Samhain is the time of the feast of the dead in many cultures. For our topic, I would like you to post about a loved one or someone you admired/disliked (historical figures are fair game) that ties in with Tarot, Lenormand or an Oracle deck. You can do a Tarot reading for them. You can talk about what they would have thought about you reading the cards (good or bad). You can write a poem to them using a Tarot/Lenormand/Oracle card. You can post their favourite recipe along with thoughts on what Tarot card might represent that meal.
***Commune, Communicate, Commemorate with those who have gone on before us. ***

 My baby sister, as she first appeared to me in 1972:

Known to my regular readers as Auntie Fashion, she has been gone for 1 year and 3 1/2 months.

She was very much a Queen of Pentacles - grounded, practical, no-nonsense, a homemaker, creative and crafty, an excellent cook, proud of her home, a lover of nice things and luxury; she liked things to be just so. She provided an open house for her daughters and their friends. She created and maintained a unique relationship between herself, her ex-husband and her husband, which grew stronger over time and her various periods of illness, so that both men supported each other and the girls when she died, and remain good friends who spend time with each other on a regular basis.

She hated confrontation, so had developed many, many ways of saying 'No' that didn't involve the word. Her mulish and dogged tenacity is what brought her through at least 1 coma and 2 other near-death crises.

my sister on the inside
my sister on the outside

even the breed of dog is right: Hi, Charlie

Her last illness was relatively short, and she faded quickly.

And now she is somewhere else watching over us.

And what we remember most is her smile - there is not one photo of her without.

Halcyon Jean     22:04:72 - 18:07:14

Decks used in order: Wizards Tarot, Victorian Romantic Tarot, Witches' Tarot (Dugan), Paulina Tarot, Comparative Tarot

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  1. Wondrous, Vivianne. I love her. And to have all those different Queens of Pentacles represent very aspect of her! Hugs!

  2. I love the way you've used the different Queens of Pentacles to represent her, to bring her to life for us. Hugs from me too.

  3. It's lovely to see so many queens of pentacles representing a person's different qualities! Beautiful post!

  4. Sending much love to you and your wonderful sister - may she be in joy and peace wherever she may be!

  5. The different Queens all show her different aspects so clearly. This is a great remembrance of her.

  6. Such a creative and loving honouring of your sister through these industrious Queens. Thank you for sharing her with us

  7. Such a creative and loving honouring of your sister through these industrious Queens. Thank you for sharing her with us

  8. This is really beautiful thanks for sharing a glimpse of your sister <3

  9. So many fascinating facets.Thanks for sharing x

  10. A beautiful way to honour her. I'd never seen a picture of Auntie Fashion before, as you say, a radiant smile <3

  11. Lovely post, lovely smile :) She will live on and be with you as long as she is remembered.

  12. She was truly beautiful. I'm so delighted that you shared her with us.

  13. I loved this post. It brought a tear to my eye.

  14. Simply beautiful Viv. You know how much Halcy meant to me honey and your reading is wonderful. Love you honey. Thank you for sharing this to my timeline. I miss Halcy every second of everyday, but this has helped me. Love you xxxxxxxx

  15. Such a lovely post. I can feel your love for her pouring through this post. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks ! I love comments :-)