Sunday, 21 October 2018

Better Late ...

Halloween Tarot

.... than never. 

I've been offline as my PC finally bit the dust, replaced with a lovely new Lenovo desktop and Windows 10 instead of Vista. Yes, I know, I can't believe that either: the same PC and OS for over 10 years ! That's why I missed posting for our wedding anniversary - 16 years with never a cross word. 

Yes, a TOTAL lie. There's times where if we hadn't have had that piece of paper I would have been long gone, and my incomplete sets of crockery and glassware along with scarred walls are testament to our arguments: no real harm done, though, as it turns out, my aim is tragically affected by emotion. Marriage and kids are hard, y'all.

But mostly it's like today, when I come downstairs and see Titch as if I'd just met him - stunningly good-looking, smiling, magnetic, welcoming. And I'm glad we're still here.


  1. Congrats to both of you on the 16th Anniversary.

    1. Heh ...thanks :D Not sure if us both being so stubborn is a plus or a minus ;)


Thanks ! I love comments :-)