I have run out of one fabrics I need to make SIL's Bump's cot quilt - DH offered to take me to the lovely quilt shop on Saturday to find a suitable substitute/equivalent, but having heard the traffic report, I politely declined, as the idea of becoming stuck for hours in sub-zero temperatures really didn't appeal, for some odd reason. And as I told him, I have a little time in hand as the Bump isn't due til February, plus, I have loads else I can be getting on with; I am never bored, or short of things to do. Here is a pic of how it's going so far; I think it is bright, but not quite the eye-bleeder I feared it might be:

So while I am waiting, I have started a scarf for MIL's birthday next month, a very lacy stitch pattern that I can't find the name for, out of this; it's really soft, but machine-washable and so will be no hassle for her to care for; DD told me MIL has a brown coat, so it ought to 'go' as well.
I'm taking part in a UK/EU soap swap via the main soap forum I'm a member of; it has to be ready to ship at the end of February/beginning of March, and the theme is 'Fruitalicious Spring Swap'. Having no coconut oil left, and no fruity fragrance oils on hand, it's lucky I made surplus spice/orange/honey soap before Christmas, as that will be well and truly cured. I've been in swaps before with nearly all the other people who have signed up, and I am really looking forward to OPS (Other People's Soaps) - it's always a fun learning experience. I've been using my Three Kings soap recently in the shower - not only is the smell fabulous, but the shea butter I added to the recipe really makes a difference to the feel and the lather of it; there's an extra .... solidity .... both to the bar, the slip, and the bubbles. Definitely a recipe for repeating.
And as my hands are freezing and I need to thaw them I leave you with a GKP (Gratuitous Kittie Pic), of Inky and Jewel on the sofa, as proof Jewel does come out into the open when no-one is around:

Inky looks slightly of oriental origins - does she yowl like one too? :) And as for Jewel - a mini Margie :) They look gorgeous - can't wait to meet them :)