Monday 17 June 2013

Up a Creek

Shadowscapes Tarot

 .... without a paddle in sight. 

I finally got the most recent shawl finished, then washed - and now it is blocking.

Great !

'Monday, the start of a new week, all my chores are done, the sun is kind of out, let's go start something new !' I thought, enthusiastically.

And then I screeched to a halt.

As we have discussed before, I have everything I need for about the next 4 items on my queue, and I am trying to KTQ2013.  However, there is a bunch of things not in my queue that have a deadline .....

A minimum of 2 baby sweaters, one just like the pattern below, and another one which I haven't yet selected, which will be in the relevant SIL's preferred color of dark red. Deadline: beginning of August.

 And I know you will recall my ambitions to crochet a baby blankey for the same SIL. After requesting expert opinions on difficulty (or really, total lack of same) in the Patterns forum of Ravelry, I chose the Heirloom Lace Baby Blanket from the top book: 

Item 2 with a deadline

Then both Mini Diva and Destructo Boy will need school sweaters or cardigans; 3rd deadline: beginning of September. I made myself a weak milky coffee and sat down with all of these:

 From this angle, you can't see actually how many patterns are there, but I am pretty sure it is in the hundreds. Of course, I only had to look for kids' patterns; I have chosen 2 or 3 for each child to select from when they get home today.

And I cannot cast on for any of them, as - and I know you will guffaw in rampant disbelief and amazement as did my DH when I told him - I do not have any yarn.

Well, of course I do - and you know that, since I share all my acquisitions with you. But I have none of the right yarn: I have no pale blue or white baby yarn for the 1st baby sweater. I haven't chosen or found a pattern for the 2nd baby sweater, let alone that I don't have any of the dark red yarn required (no, my Austermann Merino Lace is not appropriate). I don't have yarn for the blankey, or the right size hook. Mini Diva will require black DK, and Destructo Boy needs navy blue: I do not have any. Well, I have odds and ends, but not a sweater's worth, for sure.

So I have thoroughly enjoyed wasted my day so far, planning, and browsing through various yarn websites, as today is not market day and also the main LYS is shut on Mondays. When I get back from collecting the kids from school, I think I may just have to ease my creative addiction habit itch by adding to my Summer Garden Granny Square Blankey:


  1. Browsing patterns and plotting is never wasted time - c'mon woman! However, I'm intrigued with your choice of an "easy" baby blanket pattern. Personally, I think that summer garden granny square blanket would make a great baby blanket - wonderful bright colors, and you've already got a lot of it done. :)

    I'll look forward to seeing what the children pick out.

  2. I guess if you do find a paddle you'd better row yourself right over to the yarn store, N'est-ce pas? Oh, that's French, isn't it? Maybe a few days in Paris shopping for yarn is in order. Can you row across the channel?

    And yes, I did guffaw, but more in total empathy than disbelief. You see, I also have no yarn. But guffawing does not seem appropriate from a DH expecting an Old Man Cardi, N'est-ce pas?


Thanks ! I love comments :-)