Today we had a letter. Asking what did I need to know about the situation, I drew XIII Death; at the base of the deck representing the root was VII The Chariot.
Great. This just adds to the 2 of Pentacles Rx feeling - I do not like change, especially when unexpected and at short notice. Death shows me that change is inevitable. Well - duh - I knew that from the letter, which informed us of a change. I wanted to know what this change means for us. The Chariot ... somebody is pushing hard for something. It isn't us. What I am worried about is having to move house. Pulling a clarifier, V The Hierophant, suggests to me that the change will not actually affect us in a challenging way, everything will fall back into its usual place and structure. Or, put simply, 'Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose'. I hope. If you have anything to add to this, please do.

I know I am totally minimizing the fact that they are all Majors. When reading for oneself, one's head can get quite comfortable in the sand.
So I find it calming to focus on the normal, the everyday - the Minor - things. I completed a vintage pattern baby matinee jacket and hat for Mini-Diva's class teacher; in 4 ply soft acrylic (washable and practical for any items destined for a baby) I enoyed knitting this as the construction was a method I hadn't come across before: all the pieces are knitted separately, and joined by knitting them together at the yoke. This allowed me to easily change yarn color for a two-tone effect. In fact, I like knitting baby things full stop. They are a quick way to try out new techniques and new pattern stitches. They are also a quick way to be satisfied with a job done - a must for impatient people like myself. All I have left to do is sew the ribbons to the bonnet ...

I hope the cards were right and you don't have to move house. I hate moving with a passion nowadays.