Today I did 5 loads of washing, and a bit of knitting, as I was enjoying basking. Basking and housework are not natural mates, so I had to choose which to prioritize ... easy, especially since this was a large part of my view:

After I'd collected the kids from school, they put their swimsuits on and played on the patio with the hose. They had two instructions only:
1) water the tubs, pots and troughs
2) do not wet the almost-dry washing
Apparently, they couldn't manage either of these simple tasks. Having been sent to his room, Destructo Boy appeared at Mini Diva's window. Actual conversation:
Me: Let's practice some thinking, shall we ? Tell me the two good reasons why you must not get on the radiator and lean out of Mini Diva's window.
Destructo Boy: Because I knocked over all the pots of plants ?
Me: OK. There's three reasons then, give me the other two .....
Minus: Destructo Boy forgot his hat and his lunchbox at school.
Minus: Mini Diva forgot her lunchbox at school.
Minus: Mini Diva has a verruca.
Minus: Mini Diva has lost her bike lock.
Minus: Jewel the cat was sick - again; a rescue cat, too often she hoovers down her food without chewing, resulting in it coming right back up again 5 minutes later.
Plus: the dog ate the cat sick, so I had nothing to wipe up.
That is one gross dog you have!
ReplyDeleteI too took advantage of the weather to do laundry - all our bedding, all the towels, flannels and the bath mats :)
What's a verruca? I only know it as Verucca (sp?) Salt from Charlie snd the Chocolate Factory....It's been pleasant here, but not hot, hot, hot yet...which is good...I am not a basker...
ReplyDeleteOoh, convenient dog cleanup. I've been accused of being a lizard by my officemate, but because I get cold or hot very quickly with changes in temperature.
ReplyDeleteI had to google verruca....ewwwwwwww.
Love the destructo boy exchange! Who cares about life and limb - just remember to not upset the plant pots. :)
ReplyDeleteRe: kitty sick. At my house we call that a "hot lunch."
ReplyDeleteGross yes. But true.