Monday, 6 February 2012

If At First You Don't Succeed .....

... try, try again. And once or twice more. Really, until you run out of patience or you get hungry, cold and wet and go home.

Yesterday we woke up to a generous covering of snow; parental chores completed, after lunch a visit to one of the nearby parks was indicated. Sebastian loves snow, so we took him as well, and I took my camera, a Xmas gift from DH.

So here are some fantastic photos of Sebastian gambolling in the white stuff:


 Aha ! Gotcha !


  1. You needs to be a quicker kitty :D

  2. Thanks for a great big laugh! Sebby, you is too kewl!

  3. There's nothing like a GSD in the snow. Mine is in withdrawal as we have had barely 6 of the 95 inches of snow that we normally get each winter. Enjoy!

  4. Love the pictures, definitely made me laugh!

  5. Awww he loves it! I wish we could get our pups together to play in the snow.


Thanks ! I love comments :-)