Sunday 3 April 2011

Your Knitting and Crochet Time 2KCBWDAY7

Your Knitting and Crochet Time 2KCBWDAY7

Write about your typical crafting time. When it is that you are likely to craft – alone or in more social environments, when watching TV or whilst taking bus journeys. What items do you like to surround yourself with whilst you twirl your hook like a majorette’s baton or work those needles like a skilled set of samurai swords. Do you always have snacks to hand, or are you a strictly ‘no crumbs near my yarn!’ kind of knitter.

So I posted earlier this week about my 'corner', which is where I usually knit, and have a cup of tea on the go. I most often knit in the evenings while watching TV, since it makes me feel productive and so much less of a vegetable. If the kids are watching TV in the afternoon, and I can't bear it anymore, I sometimes knit in my bedroom whilst listening to the radio.

I will also take my knitting anywhere where I think I will be waiting for some time, or somewhere I might feel I could multi-task ie, chat with someone whilst knitting: so I'm quite happy to take my knitting most places. I've even been known to knit on long car journeys, which DH likes as it means I'm not paying any attention to his driving, but the kids do not like as they can't sit in the back imitating me by screaming ''We're all gonna die, OMIGODSLOW DOWNWATCHOUTFORTHATTRUCK, we're doomed !" DH's whole family are speed demons drive like maniacs enjoy the challenge of the open road.

The only proviso about my 'mobile' knitting projects is that they have to be either almost totally mindless or at a stage where I'm so familiar with the pattern that they can be regarded as mindless: so no super-complex lace or cable patterns, or projects where I'm at the point of decreasing for the armholes/neck etc. This may on occasion entail starting a whole new project just for it's mobility.

Which is not the same as portability: but I have a lovely large bag that can hold everything I might need, that I take to places where I might be for some time ..... otherwise, since I have a (hand)bag in which I could lose the kitchen sink, I just bung whatever I'm working on into that ...

Don't forget, to find other participants in this year's Knit & Crochet Blog Week, just pop 2KCBW followed by the relevant day into Google ....


  1. My mom is like that with my dad's driving. It's kinda funny sometimes.XD

  2. HA! You crack me up :) I don't know if you're a fan of British comedies, and if you're not you'll have no idea what I'm talking about, but I got the image of Hyacinth saying "MIND THE BICYCLE" to Richard as they drive along at 2 miles an hour... Not that I'm saying you in any way resemble Hyacinth, mind you!

  3. I'm still fairly new to the idea of taking my knitting out and about with me, but little/mindless projects sound exactly right!

  4. Like you I never hesitate to search for and cast on a mindless project specifically for social functions or knit nights.

    I have a big-ish pencil case thingie which holds all my knitting notions but take a condensed version of essential notions in my sock project bag which doesn't necessarily always contain socks.


Thanks ! I love comments :-)