Friday 30 March 2012

FO Friday 80: Mad Hat Skillz, I Haz Them

Whimsical Tarot

Why, yes, I am feeling somewhat genie-like this morning, and proud too - in spite of the dire biblical warnings threatening destruction (the haughty spirit going before a fall, but I am not haughty today). My burgeoning self-satisfaction is because I took these unprepossessing items:

(which I blogged about here) and have transformed them into this:

The model under the hat ? In time-honored Blue Peter tradition - a cute little something I made earlier, but it is still a WIP ...

Now, is it 'MadHat Skillz' ? Or 'Mad HatSkillz' ?

Go see what other people have made earlier at Tami's Amis ...


  1. Replies
    1. LOL they were a cheat, found the deelyboppers on eBay & thought they were perfect :-)

  2. Was this for an Ester Bonnet day at school or 'just because'.

    I am quite enamoured of both the before and after shots. i think the 'before' would make for quite the wonderful Van Gogh costume.

  3. Yep, Easter Parade at school. Van Gogh's beard would be a challenge, let alone the missing ear :-)

  4. You can put the italics wherever you like, but those are definitely some SKILLZ! Awesome easter hat, and the 2nd I've seen today. Maybe I should make one for myself! Lovely work, Vivianne!

  5. Great Easter hat! And a peeking Mini-diva underneath is cute, too. :)

  6. Love the little bees on the hat. Congrats!

  7. Great bonnet! My FO was also an Easter bonnet today :)


Thanks ! I love comments :-)